Welcome to the world of Glass

The Story

"Eros Y Alma", which means Cupid and Psyche, is a story originally from the Metamorphoses, written in the 2nd century AD by Lucius Madaurensis. The tale concerns the overcoming of obstacles regarding the love between Psyche and Cupid, and their ultimate union in a sacred marriage. Eros and Psyche appear in Greek art as early as the 4th century BC.

Eros Y Alma is a boutique stained glass brand, based in Greece, on the island of Naxos, but our vision is to travel all over the world and discover cultures and aesthetics through collaborations and inspiration. Eros Y Alma was born in 2020 by Marsy Syreggela, who is the artist, designer and founder. Our team is joined by friends and family members, where everyone participates in their own unique way and brings their own skill sets to the table.

Follow us @erosyalma.glass

Every piece is made with Love.

ꕥꕥ Favorites ꕥꕥ

Nezira Collection

Nezira means Beauty Our Pastel Esmeralda collection is dreamy, calming and ethereal.... 

Kalisa Collection

Kalisa means Pure Our classic Esmeralda collection is simple, earthy, elegant. Choose... 

Multimedia collage